Safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of all members and visitors to Retford Golf Club.
To demonstrate that Retford Golf Club, as a whole, are committed towards presenting a SafeGolf environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults we have revised our policies to reflect this. This is supported by our further commitment to meet the England Golf SafeGolf accreditation requirements.
The relevant policies can be accessed through the club office however there will be a shortened version on display in the club house foyer. The full document can also be found if you click here.
In addition to the revised policies the club have appointed a Welfare Officer – Jason Crooks. The role of the welfare officer is clearly laid out through the role description which can be accessed through the club office.
Junior golf is very important to any golf club and Retford have this clearly implanted within our vision to develop a safe and rewarding junior golf experience. The measures are adopting are to ensure we provide a SafeGolf environment and that all those recruited/volunteer to work with juniors meet the guidelines’.
Contact details of RGC's Welfare Officer can be found within full policy document.